Mixes will vary. MineYourBeezWax’s Yoni Herbs are here to assist in your vaginal health. MineYourBeezWax has some Signature Blends. You can also fill out the Yoni Steam Intake form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9thijtPa1NNBf6jcp36_hhmp2xsCtqDHVL2LoXrN_3FQdAw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 . and have a customized blend to cater to your specific needs.
Directions for your custom blend will be given to you directly, and may be different from the directions of our signature blends.
Yoni Steam Herbs
All sales are FINAL once shipped. No returns or refunds will be processed. Please utilize the contact page for any questions and concerns.
Shipping rates vary. Orders typically ship within 3 business days. Tracking information will be emailed. Please utilize the contact page for any questions and concerns.